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单词短语 解释
penetration n. 穿透; 渗透; 进入; 插入
avalanche n. 雪崩; 山崩;

3 major problems and solutions in the cache world


In most Internet applications:

  1. When the business system initiates a certain query request, it first determines whether the data exists in the cache;
  2. If there is a cache, return the data directly;
  3. If the cache does not exist, query the database again and return the data.
业务查询 =》 判断缓存命中 =》 直接返回数据结果
            否则: 查询数据库并更新缓存,然后返回数据结果
  • 缓存分担部分请求压力
  • 但缓存不可能把所有的数据都缓存起来(需要有过期时间和删除策略

缓存穿透(cache penetration)



Why does cache penetration occur?(如何产生?)

There are many reasons for cache penetration, which are generally as follows:

  1. Malicious attacks deliberately create a large amount of non-existent data to request our services. Since these data do not exist in the cache, massive requests fall into the database, which may cause the database to crash.

  2. Code logic error. This is the programmer’s pot, nothing to say, must be avoided in development!

单词短语 解释
malicious adj.恶意的,有敌意的; 蓄意的; 预谋的; 存心不良的
attack vt.& vi.攻击,进攻,抨击;n.攻击; 抨击;(队员等的)进攻;(疾病)侵袭;vt.抨击; 非难; 侵袭; 损害
deliberate adj.故意的; 蓄意的; 深思熟虑的; 慎重的;vt.权衡;vi.熟虑; 商讨;
pot n.罐; 一罐; (某种用途的)容器; 陶盆 锅;vt.把…栽入盆中; 种盆栽; 台球、普尔和斯诺克击(球)入袋; 射杀; vi.随手射击;

The hazard of cache penetration(缓存穿透的危害)

If there are massive data that does not exist in the query request, then these massive requests will fall into the database, and the database pressure will increase dramatically, which may lead to system crash. (You have to know that the most vulnerable in the current business system is IO, a little bit It will collapse under pressure, so we have to think of ways to protect it).

单词短语 解释
hazard vt.冒险; 使遭受危险;n.危险; 冒险的事; 机会; 双骰子游戏
massive adj.大的,重的; 大块的,大量的; 魁伟的,结实的; 大规模的
fall into 分成; 掉进,陷入; 堕入; 陷于
dramatically adv.戏剧性地,引人注目地; 显著地,剧烈地;
vulnerable adj.(地方)易受攻击的; 易受伤的; 易受批评的; [桥牌]已成局的
collapse vi.折叠; 倒塌; 崩溃; (尤指工作劳累后)坐下; vt.使倒塌; 使坍塌; 使瓦解;n.垮台; (身体的)衰弱;


  1. 当我们从数据库找不到的时候,我们也将这个空对象设置到缓存里边去。下次再请求的时候,就可以从缓存里边获取了。一般会将空对象设置一个较短的过期时间。

  2. 由于请求的参数是不合法的(每次都请求不存在的参数),于是我们可以使用布隆过滤器(BloomFilter)或者压缩filter提前拦截,不合法就不让这个请求到数据库层!

解决1:缓存空对象(Cache empty data)(缺点)

  • 指标不治本(空数据对象本身缓存也是有过期时间的)
  • 大量空值会占用缓存内存:一般就缓存一个空对象,但是显然有很多空对象,消耗大量空对象缓存资源


It needs to add a barrier(n.障碍; 屏障; 栅栏; 分界线vt.把…关入栅栏; 用栅栏围住;) before the cache, which ;stores all the keys that exist in the current database.


springboot demo项目

  • 低并发,定时任务去每天更新bloomFilter,维护每天的一个bloomFilter
  • 初始预热,动态新增
  • 存在误判(当一个布隆过滤器判断一个数据在集合中存在时,有一定的可能性误判;不存在的则100%正确)。如果bloom filter中存储的是黑名单,那么可以通过建立一个白名单来存储可能会误判的元素

  • 删除困难。一个放入容器的元素映射到bit数组的k个位置上是1,删除的时候不能简单的直接置为0,可能会影响其他元素的判断。可以采用Counting Bloom Filter

Counting Bloom Filter:将标准Bloom Filter位数组的每一位扩展为一个小的计数器(Counter),在插入元素时给对应的k(k为哈希函数个数)个Counter的值分别加1,删除元素时给对应的k个Counter的值分别减1。Counting Bloom Filter通过多占用几倍的存储空间的代价,给Bloom Filter增加了删除操作

缓存击穿(Hotspot Invalid)






public synchronized String getCacheData() {
  String cacheData = "";
  //Read redis
  cacheData = getDataFromRedis();
  if (cacheData.isEmpty()) {
    // 这里可能并发线程都进来,因为都判断缓存里面没有,这样都要查数据库
    //Read database
    cacheData = getDataFromDB();
    //Write redis
  return cacheData;

eg2, 加上粗粒度的锁

static Object lock = new Object();

public String getCacheData() {
  String cacheData = "";
  //Read redis
  cacheData = getDataFromRedis();
  if (cacheData.isEmpty()) {
    // 查数据库和更新缓存的操作锁上,这样就能确保,其它线程后续访问的时候能从缓存获取到,而不是查询数据库
    synchronized (lock) {
      //Read database
      cacheData = getDataFromDB();
      //Write redis
  return cacheData;

eg3, 使用互斥锁:得到锁的线程就读数据写缓存,没得到锁的线程可以不用阻塞,继续从缓存中读数据,如果没有读到数据就休息会再来试试

public String getCacheData(){
  String result = "";
  //Read redis
  result = getDataFromRedis();
  if (result.isEmpty()) {
    if (reenLock.tryLock()) {
      try {
        //Read database
        result = getDataFromDB();
        //Write redis
      }catch(Exception e){
      }finally {
        reenLock.unlock (); // release lock
    } else {
      // 抢锁失败,则再次从缓存获取,如果获取不到,尝试sleep一段时间,再次递归回调该方法
      // Note: this can be combined with the 
      // following double caching mechanism:

      // If you can't grab the lock, 
      // query the secondary cache

      // Read redis
      result = getDataFromRedis();
      if (result.isEmpty()) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        return getCacheData();
  return result;

缓存雪崩(cache avalanche)


If the cache goes down for some reason, the massive query request that was originally blocked by the cache will flock to the database like a mad dog. At this point, if the database can’t withstand this huge pressure, it will collapse. This is the cache avalanche.

单词短语 解释
go down 停止; 被接受; 沉下; 被打败
flock to 成群结队地走向…;
mad adj.疯狂的; 猛烈的; 着迷的; 〔口语〕愤怒的,生气的;vt.使疯狂;
withstand vt.经受,承受,禁得起; 反抗;vi.反抗; 耐得住,禁得起;
  1. Redis集群挂掉了,请求全部都走数据库了
  2. 对缓存数据设置相同的过期时间,导致某段时间内缓存全部都失效,请求全部走数据库了







Redis集群:Using a Cache Cluster to Ensure High Availability of Caches
  • 事发前:实现Redis的高可用(主从架构+Sentinel模式或者Redis Cluster),尽量避免Redis挂掉这种情况发生。
本地缓存+限流:Using Hystrix

Hystrix is ​​an open source “anti-avalanche tool” that reduces losses after avalanches by blowing, degrading, and limiting currents.

单词短语 解释
anti n.& adj.反对者,反对论者反对的;抵抗
losses n.损失( loss的名词复数 ); 损耗; 失败; 降低
degrade vt.降低,贬低; 使降级; 降低…身份; 使丢脸;vt.& vi.(使)退化,降解,分解; 降解; 撤职,免职; 降低品格[身价,价值(等)]
  • 事发中:万一Redis真的挂了,我们可以设置本地缓存(ehcache)+限流(hystrix),尽量避免我们的数据库被干掉(起码能保证我们的服务还是能正常工作的)


  • 事发后:redis持久化,重启后自动从磁盘上加载数据,快速恢复缓存数据。

Hotspot data set is invalid (热点数据集失效问题)

What is the hotspot data set failure?

We usually set an expiration time for the cache. After the expiration time, the database will be deleted directly by the cache, thus ensuring the real-time performance of the data to a certain extent.

However, for some hot data with very high requests, once the valid time has passed, there will be a large number of requests falling on the database at this moment, which may cause the database to crash. The process is as follows:

If a hotspot data fails, then when there is a query request [req-1] for the data again, it will go to the database query. However, from the time the request is sent to the database to the time the data is updated into the cache, since the data is still not in the cache, the query request arriving during this time will fall on the database, which will cause the database Enormous pressure. In addition, when these request queries are completed, the cache is updated repeatedly.


  1. 设置热点数据永远不过期;
  2. 设置不同的过期时间,错开缓存过期时间
  3. 使用互斥锁(一般是分布式锁,高并发只有一个请求能获取到锁)

业界比较常用的做法,是使用mutex。简单地来说,就是在缓存失效的时候,不是立即去load db,而是先使用缓存工具的某些带成功操作返回值的操作(比如Redis的SETNX或者Memcache的ADD)去set一个mutex key,当操作返回成功时,再进行load db的操作并回设缓存;否则,就重试整个get缓存的方法。(这里涉及到:二次查询缓存,加锁之后继续查询缓存,这样保证高并发其它访问是可以访问到该缓存的)

public String get(key) {
    String value = redis.get(key);
    if (value == null) { //代表缓存值过期
        //设置3min的超时,防止del操作失败的时候,下次缓存过期一直不能load db
        if (redis.setnx(key_mutex, 1, 3 * 60) == 1) {  //代表设置成功
            value = db.get(key);
            redis.set(key, value, expire_secs);
        } else {  //这个时候代表同时候的其他线程已经load db并回设到缓存了,这时候重试获取缓存值即可
            get(key);  //重试
    return value;

We can use the lock mechanism that comes with the cache. When the first database query request is initiated, the data in the cache will be locked; at this time, other query requests that arrive at the cache will not be able to query the field, and thus will be blocked waiting; After a request completes the database query and caches the data update value, the lock is released; at this time, other blocked query requests can be directly retrieved from the cache.

When a hotspot data fails, only the first database query request is sent to the database, and all other query requests are blocked, thus protecting the database. However, due to the use of a mutex, other requests will block waiting and the throughput of the system will drop. This needs to be combined with actual business considerations to allow this. (当出现热点数据失效时,只有第一个请求会发送到数据库,其它的请求都会被阻塞,这样能保护数据库;当然,由于使用了mutex,其它的请求会被阻塞而进行等待,这会降低系统的吞吐率。这需要与实际的业务考虑相结合。)

  • 第一个获取到锁,当更新或者从数据库获取完成后再释放锁,其它的请求只需要牺牲一定的等待时间,即可直接从缓存中继续获取数据。

Mutex locks can avoid the problem of database corruption caused by the failure of ahotspot data. In actual business, there are often scenes where a batch of hotspot data fails at the same time. So how do you prevent database overload for this scenario?

单词短语 解释
corruption n.腐败; 贪污; 贿赂; 变体
scenario n.设想; 可能发生的情况; 剧情梗概;

无底洞问题:Facebook's Memcached Multiget Hole: More Machines != More Capacity

Facebook’s Memcached Multiget Hole: More machines != More Capacity






  1. 客户端一次批量操作会涉及多次网络操作,也就意味着批量操作会随着实例的增多,耗时会不断增大。

  2. 服务端网络连接次数变多,对实例的性能也有一定影响。


  1. 命令本身的效率:例如sql优化,命令优化

  2. 网络次数:减少通信次数

  3. 降低接入成本:长连/连接池,NIO等。

  4. IO访问合并:O(n)到O(1)过程:批量接口(mget)


方案 优点 缺点 网络IO
串行mget 1.编程简单2.少量keys,性能满足要求 大量keys请求延迟严重 O(keys)
串行IO 1.编程简单2.少量节点,性能满足要求 大量node延迟严重 O(nodes)
并行IO 1.利用并行特性2.延迟取决于最慢的节点 1.编程复杂2.超时定位较难 O(max_slow(node))
hash tags 性能最高 1.tag-key业务维护成本较高2.tag分布容易出现数据倾斜 O(1)


分布方式 特点 典型产品
哈希分布 1.数据分散度高,2.键值分布与业务无关,3.无法顺序访问,4.支持批量操作 一致性哈希memcacheredisCluster其他缓存产品
顺序分布 1.数据分散度易倾斜,2.键值分布与业务相关,3.可以顺序访问,4.支持批量操作 BigTableHbase


Cache Aside Pattern


Load data on demand into a cache from a data store. This can improve performance and also helps to maintain consistency between data held in the cache and data in the underlying data store.

Applications should implement a strategy that helps to ensure that the data in the cache is as up-to-date as possible, but can also detect and handle situations that arise when the data in the cache has become stale.

stale 英[steɪl][steɪl]
adj. 不新鲜的; (空气) 污浊的; (烟味) 难闻的; 陈腐的; 没有新意的; 老掉牙的;
n. (牛马、骆驼的) 尿;




线程A更新了数据库             线程A更新了缓存
    线程B更新了数据库  线程B更新了缓存




  1. 线程A删除缓存(先删缓存)
  2. 线程B查询数据,发现缓存数据不存在;则线程B查询数据库,得到旧值,B要更新缓存,会将此旧值写入缓存
  3. 线程A将新值更新到数据库(再更新数据库)

可以看到并发情况下,会出现:缓存中的数据仍然是旧值 的问题



  1. 读缓存失效了
  2. 线程B从数据库读取旧值
  3. 线程A从数据库读取旧值
  4. 线程B将新值更新到数据库(先更新数据库)
  5. 线程B删除缓存(再删缓存)
  6. 线程A将旧值写入缓存(线程A因为缓存失效,读取了数据库旧值,并更新到了缓存中)


作者:谢随安 链接: 来源:简书 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。


方案1: 采用延时双删策略?


  • 给缓存设置过期时间,是保证最终一致性的解决方案; 理解如下


方案2: 异步更新缓存(基于订阅binlog的同步机制)



  1. 读Redis:热数据基本都在Redis
  2. 写MySQL:增删改都是操作MySQL
  3. 更新Redis数据:订阅MySQ的数据操作记录binlog,来更新到Redis


  1. 全量更新(将全部数据一次性写入redis)
  2. 增量更新(实时更新)

方案3: 串行化




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